The concept of music can be a confusing one. On one hand, many people can point to a song they love and say, “that’s what music is.” However, when you dig deeper, the complexity of the subject matter becomes apparent. Music can be anything from a pod of young dolphin bulls putting on a show for potential mates to Beethoven’s Clair de Lune – and all the songs in between. What makes a song musical is not necessarily based on how well it’s written or played, but rather how it makes us feel.
There are some common themes in the way we perceive music. These include rhythm, harmony, and melody. It is these elements that can help you write an essay on music, although it’s not always easy to describe. The idea of music has been shaped over time by the various cultures and societies that have experienced it. It has also been influenced by societal changes like war and political upheavals, and has driven social evolution and cultural revolution. For example, music is what gave birth to punk rock as a means of protest, and hip-hop as a powerful art form for urban communities to express themselves.
Some scholars believe that music is a natural extension of language and as essential to the human experience as verbal communication. Others think that it evolved to serve a more specific purpose, perhaps as an arousal device or a way to communicate emotions.
Either way, music has a powerful influence on the human mind and can be used to affect our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It can be used to help us relax and feel good, or to inspire us to greatness.
If you’re writing an essay on music, it’s important to understand the many different ways that a song can be interpreted and enjoyed. The most common approach is to look at the lyrics and tune, and how they relate to each other. This includes things like the rhyme scheme and how they complement each other, and the harmony and melodic structure.
Another important consideration is the tempo and dynamics of a piece. This is a measure of how loud or soft the music is, and how it changes in intensity over time (crescendo and diminuendo). It’s also important to consider how the instruments are used to create these effects, and whether they accentuate certain aspects of the rhythm, timbre, or harmony.
Finally, it’s a good idea to avoid technical terms and jargon when discussing a piece of music. Especially when writing for an audience that may not be familiar with musical terminology, it can be distracting and off-putting. Aim for a more descriptive approach that describes how the music makes you feel, and try to imagine that your reader is sitting next to you on a bus listening to it. This can make the writing process much more enjoyable for both of you! If you can accomplish this, then your article will be as interesting as the music itself.