What Makes an Artist?

An artist is a creative person who makes works of art. Their work can take on many forms, from painting and sculpting to writing and music. Many people consider themselves artists, even if they don’t make a living from their art. Trying to nail down what makes someone an artist is often a controversial topic. For example, some people argue that you must be represented by a gallery to be considered an artist. Others believe that you must have a college degree or extensive training to be an artist.

An individual’s ability to create and produce art is a matter of personal taste and preference, but the work they make must be original and show a high level of skill. The work must also be aesthetically pleasing to those who view it, which is a subjective judgment.

There are different kinds of art, and each kind of artist is distinguished by their genre. For example, a painter may be categorized as a figurative painter or an abstract painter. The same goes for a sculptor and a graphic designer. There are also various mediums that an artist can use, including paper, canvas, glass, wood, metal and digital media.

The work of an artist is often displayed in galleries, museums, and other art spaces. In addition, some artists sell their artwork to the public or work with art dealers or agents to connect with potential buyers or collectors. Other aspects of being an artist include networking, building relationships with other artists and art professionals, and collaborating on projects or events with other individuals or organizations.

A lot of time is spent creating and producing an artist’s work. The creation of art is the core of an artist’s job, but they also have to spend a significant amount of time researching and studying art history, cultural context, contemporary trends, and other topics related to their artistic practice. This research helps them develop and deepen their artistic vision, while allowing them to explore new ways of creating and displaying their art.

Being an artist means always striving for a fresh perspective and seeing things from new angles. Artists never get bored and they see everything around them as an opportunity for inspiration or a challenge. It is this sense of adventure that allows them to continue to push the boundaries of their creative abilities.

It’s no wonder that people struggle to define what an artist is, as the term has a wide range of synonyms capturing its essence from different angles. From craftsman to virtuoso, each one of these descriptions carries its own nuances that pinpoint specific facets of the broader artistic realm. This ambiguity can have real-world implications, as evidenced by the 2023 case where a Colorado web designer successfully argued that she was an artist and could refuse to design websites for same-sex weddings.