What Does it Mean to Be an Artist?

Whether in the hallowed pages of classic literature or a resonant voice in contemporary works, the word artist comes to embody vision and creativity. Oscar Wilde states that “Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter” and Shakespeare, in one of his sonnets, argues that “for an artist has caught that which he doth paint, a soul which no other creature can hold.”

The term artist has become synonymous with creative genius, but what exactly does it mean to be an artist? What defines someone as artistic, and why are there so many different definitions of art? What’s important to remember when considering these questions is that the definition of art changes depending on the audience and purpose of the artwork. For instance, when the U.S. Census Bureau focuses on artists they are talking to the population as a whole and comparing them to other occupations. This creates a very specific and limited view of what it means to be an artist in the United States.

When we talk to a group of art students or colleagues, we may come up with a different definition of artist. For example, we might say that an artist is a person who “practices any creative art in which accomplished execution is informed by imagination.” This is a more inclusive and expansive view of what it means to be an artist, and it allows for a greater variety of people to be included in the definition.

What’s also important to keep in mind is that a person does not need gallery representation to be considered an artist. A lot of artists work on a freelance basis and sell their work directly to the public. This is a great way to get exposure and build a strong client base, but it’s also not necessary for someone to be an artist.

A person can be an artist by simply creating art and enjoying the act of creation. This can be done through painting, writing, music, and more. The most important aspect of being an artist is embracing the idea that there are no limitations and allowing yourself to push through the boundaries of what you think is possible.

For this reason, it can be helpful to look for examples of art throughout history and across cultures. We can use these as touchstone moments to guide us in our own artistic endeavors. We can also learn from our mistakes and continue to challenge ourselves to grow and evolve as artists. It is important to find a definition of art that works best for you and your own unique perspective. The more you practice and grow as an artist, the more confident you will be in calling yourself a true artist.